Resistbot Petition: HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH YET?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So much today to pay attention to. SCOTUS not courageous I guess. Just followers of the law and our constitution. Wonder what tomorrow’s tweet storm will hold for the justices that Mr. Trump assumed were in his pocket. More of that mob boss mentality on display. But a big plus for we the people and America. Best quote today from the Daily Beast by our absentee president, who came out today to play vaccine savior... “I hear we’re close to 15 percent. I’m hearing that, and that’s terrific,” Trump said of the percentage of Americans who have contracted COVID-19. Yay! Only another 65+ more percentage points to hit the mythical 70+% herd immunity. Let’s see...285K dead with 15%... You’re gonna have to do the math for me. Too bad he passed on buying more vaccine when it was offered by Pfizer. Guess there wasn’t anything in it for him. And the whole herd immunity thing is so much cheaper. Probably just as well since it seems like there’s not a great plan for getting it distributed anyway. But he’s done a great job. Just ask him. Do you think he has? I assume so since you want him in office so badly you continue to deny election reality. I guess all the ineptness, all the poor judgement, all the sabotaging of our democracy, inciting violence and division, all the awful awful things that he has done in our name (plus lies upon lies upon lies) all worth it to achieve your ‘conservative’ goals. Y’all sure have a different view of what’s good for the country. And by different I mean self serving.

▶ Created on December 9, 2020 by Debbie

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