Resistbot Petition: WOMEN ARE ROARING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Feeling powerful today. You know, as a WOMAN voter. Since it’s apparent we are the ones going to boot your bootys out of office whenever however and wherever we can. Do I need to need to spell out why? Again? From the ‘woman’ in Michigan, who requires more protection every time our President encourages yet another ‘lock her up’ moment at his rallies. Always at a woman. Whitmer on the pandemic: “It should not be a partisan moment and, yet, he has made it that way to deflect from his administration's inability to get their arms around it. People are dying. People are out of work. People are looking for help just putting food on the table. And there is no relief in sight. Our numbers keep getting worse. And that is the sad, hard truth of this moment. We should have acted as though we were in a war, but not a war with one another, a war with a virus. And this virus doesn't care what side of the aisle you vote on. This virus is still a very real threat to all of us.” Dana Millbank: “If Trump loses in two weeks, he will have been taken down by women, exactly a century after they gained the right to vote. After a presidency marked by reckless exercise of the Second Amendment, alarming curtailment of the First Amendment and occasional talk of the 25th Amendment, it would be poetic justice for this man to be done in by the 19th Amendment.” All of the endless insults against women, against women of color, against victims of his sexual predations, suburban housewives insulted by his 1950s version of them, The Squad, Pelosi, Savannah Guthrie, Megan Kelly, Mika Brzezinski, essentially any woman who challenges him on any subject...and so much more that is too lengthy to write in the space allowed here. Your party forgot to turn the calendar to forward to the 21st century. The womenfolk are not what you think they should be. And I throw in one of your own conservative voices to remind you that the sentiment is widespread. Jennifer Rubin: “Cornyn may not be part of the raving MAGA crowd. But he has been a staunch and consistent Trump supporter, even if he refuses to admit it. He is part of the spineless Republican Senate who never had the nerve to stand up to Trump when it mattered most to his voters back home. As Texas tips blue, Cornyn is in a nip-and-tuck race to keep his seat. Perhaps the women, suburban voters, seniors, Blacks and young people who have left the Republican Party will drive him from office. As with Trump, there is no changing Cornyn, so voters better kick him out if they want someone who is not afraid of the MAGA crowd.” I really just threw that in for fun.

▶ Created on October 19, 2020 by Debbie

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