Resistbot Petition: DEFEND AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Like I just read, “We’re going to need a filing system to organize all these memos.” Memos with detailed plans to overthrow democracy that is. Written by members of the Trump administration. Sanctified by the president. With real hope it would work. Or as Carl Bernstein put it more succinctly…“What we are seeing in these memos particularly are blueprints for a coup — the actual blueprints in document form in which the president of the United States, through his chief of staff, is sending to Mike Pence’s ... staff a blueprint to overturn an election, a blueprint for a conspiracy led by a president of the United States to result in an authoritarian coup in which the election is stolen,” Bernstein told CNN’s Jim Acosta.” This pressure campaign on Mr. Pence continued even as the V-P was huddled with security, hiding from rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pence.” “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” Trump told his crowd of supporters on Jan. 6. “Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country.” Or as Mr. Trump put it more succinctly to Mr. Pence that morning…”You can be a patriot or you can be a pussy.” So even with the evolution of drip drip drip of revelatory information to a tsunami of proof that yes indeed an actual coup was planned, plotted, and attempted…the GOP Congress is virtually silent. Which means complicity. Or as one of your braver, though retiring members, Rep. Anthony Gonzales OH, put it more succinctly…”The cold hard truth is Donald Trump led us into a ditch on January 6. The former President lied to us. He lied to every one of us and in doing so he cost (Republicans) the House, the Senate and the White House. "I see, fundamentally, a person who shouldn't be able to hold office again because of what he did around January 6. But I also see somebody who's an enormous political loser. And I don't know why anybody who wants to win elections going forward would follow that. I simply, like, I don't get it ethically. I certainly don't get it politically. Neither of them makes sense." And yet you still aren’t curious or concerned or even remotely outraged? How can you lead America when you won’t even defend her?

▶ Created on November 15, 2021 by Debbie

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