Resistbot Petition: SHE SHUT HIS MOUTH

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Did you hear it yesterday? The squeal heard across America as the GOP’s most famous sex offender finally got his day in court? 83+M additional reasons he is the wrong choice for America. You gotta love it. Finally taken to task by an 80 year old woman, who refused to lie down any longer for the bullying and verbal abuse that he has gotten away with his entire life. Bravo E. Jean Carroll. You showed us how to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Too bad more people who should know better can’t do the same. Then we have Nikki Haley, another woman currently pushing DJT’s buttons with great success. It’s not hard to do. All you have to do is be a woman. Who doesn’t say the right things. The right things being whatever he wants. There’s been more than a few. Hillary Clinton. Liz Cheney. Nancy Pelosi. And many more with lesser name recognition. But Haley wants the same job he failed at winning once before. And she won’t back down, won’t give up, and most importantly, won’t be quiet. I wouldn’t ever vote for her, or anyone who ever says they would support a nation aside ban on abortion, but boy is it fun to watch. As long as she has the money to keep going, I hope she does. Every zinger she throws out in a cool, calm, collected way that makes him respond in his usual hysterical misogynistic tantrum earns her points with any sane Republican voter. And makes him looks even more like a loser. Which we all know he is. And nobody likes one, right? Admit it, wouldn’t you like to be able to do what she’s doing? With a smile on your face? It’ll never happen, but it’s a nice fantasy huh? Women are rocking it these days boys.

▶ Created on January 27 by Debbie

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