I write to you today as a concerned citizen deeply troubled by the persistent issue of child labor in the chocolate industry. It is disheartening to know that approximately 1.5 million child labor cases exist in the cocoa industry in Ghana and Ivory Coast alone. I urge you to take immediate action by passing legislation that mandates chocolate companies to conduct rigorous supply chain due diligence. Poverty is the root cause of child labor in the cocoa industry, as cocoa farmers are systemically underpaid for their labor.
Chocolate companies have had extensive time and resources to take action on their own, but have made little to no progress in addressing these issues. Children’s rights are not optional, corporate due diligence that protects children should not be either. I implore you to use your positions of influence to push for meaningful legislative changes.
By enacting legislation that holds chocolate companies accountable for their supply chains, we can make a significant step towards eradicating child labor in the cocoa industry. Together, we have the power to change the lives of countless children by ensuring that the products we consume are not made at their expense. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. For more information on the pressing issues within the cocoa industry please review the following resources:
- Last Week Tonight, Chocolate: https://youtu.be/FwHMDjc7qJ8
- CBS Sunday Morning, The Bittersweet Reality Behind Chocolate: https://youtu.be/g6a6o10ouZ0
- The Washington Post, Cocoa’s Child Laborers: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/business/hershey-nestle-mars-chocolate-child-labor-west-africa/
I look forward to your commitment to ensuring a brighter and sweeter future for the cocoa industry.
▶ Created on November 3, 2023 by Tony's Chocolonely