Resistbot Petition: HOW DOES THIS END FOR THE GOP?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Do y’all ever get tired of being in the headlines for all the wrong reasons? It’s head-scratching to me, as an Independent voter, how a staunchly conservative, morality-based, traditional values, patriotic, democracy-supporting political party like the GOP has morphed into something unrecognizable as American, much less democratic small d, in such a short period of time. Your party has not only completed an about face on all things you once held dear, but now actively disparage, hound, and punish those who chose to be brave and hold on to the beliefs that led them to your party in the first place. Who chose to not be co-opted by one man’s ego into throwing their belief systems by the wayside in pursuit of…what? I still wonder for…what? Surely political power doesn’t trump what’s best for your country? Or is that sentiment now considered socialism? You’ve chosen this: “Why is it that Old Crow Mitch McConnell voted for a terrible Democrat Socialist Infrastructure Plan, and induced others in his Party to do likewise, when he was incapable of getting a great Infrastructure Plan wanting to be put forward by me and the Republican Party?” (Regardless that Trump was incapable of getting infrastructure done on his watch. And also more breaking news…did you know the 2020 election in GA was stolen?) Over this: “In New Hampshire today, Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) tore into the Trump Republicans. She said that Americans are “confronting a domestic threat that we’ve never faced before: a former president who's attempting to unravel the foundations of our Constitutional Republic, aided by political leaders who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.” “In this time of testing, will we do our duty? Will we do what we must? Will we defend our Constitution? Will we stand for truth? Will we put duty to our oath above partisan politics? Or will we look away from the danger, ignore the threat, embrace the lies and enable the liar?” she said. “There is no gray area when it comes to that question. When it comes to this moment, there is no middle ground.” See why I’m scratching my head? Lastly, in all the GOP angst over the successful, bipartisan vote for a real infrastructure package vs GOP apathy and dismissal of the unsuccessful insurrection to overthrow the 2020 election, I leave you with this quote from the Atlantic: “If you find it easier to know what you think about a spending bill than an attempt to overturn an election, or if the former makes you angrier than the latter, you’ve decided that party matters more than country.”

▶ Created on November 10, 2021 by Debbie

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