Resistbot Petition: SHAMELESS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What a nest of vipers. Who knew we still had capacity to be shocked? Judging from snippets from the forthcoming book by Bob Woodward, the American people should be beyond shocked. We should be repelled. How many of you and your party in Congress were privy to the depths of the efforts to overthrow the 2020 election and did nothing? How many of you kept to the shadows, out of the line of fire, and watched while anarchy brewed and fomented in the White House? How many of you chose silence over duty to country? Luckily, enough chose the constitution over the insanity of one man. Even though judging by what we’re reading, valiant efforts were made by people who knew better to try and effect Mr. Trump’s will regardless. So maybe the choice was rather the scam wouldn’t work, not that the constitution was the preferred choice. And now, in real time, we continue to watch as your party, across the country, continues in the attempt to subvert our right to vote. We get to watch the continued and persistent absurdity of audit after audit after audit of our votes in an attempt to sow doubt and division in the minds of our citizens. We get to watch our private information being requested, and granted, to further the Biggest Lie in a string of big lies. The media is a mixed bag. But without investigations such as Mr. Woodward’s god only knows where this country would be. We know where the GOP wishes it could be. But America will reject the lying liars and the lies they tell. And history will be brutal.

▶ Created on September 21, 2021 by Debbie

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