An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just a reminder from a concerned American. Fomenting violence against elected officials, Democrats and Republicans, continues unabated. Encouraged by the president. And with your silence, you are complicit. You will be held complicit in the history books to come. You are not defending the democracy you are supposed to serve. Every Republican in Congress who continues to feed the destructive fantasies of the president and his followers about election fraud deserve to lose their jobs. This goes beyond politics. You are subverting your responsibilities to your office with your silence. To your country. So you should go to bed at night, hoping no one gets hurt or killed by the escalating violence you stand by and silently watch. And with your silence, condone. Because, dramatics aside, your lack of action will be in no small part responsible if something awful happens to people who were just doing their jobs. All because most of you will not publicly acknowledge the reality that Mr. Trump lost the election. Who would ever think that acknowledging reality would be such a seemingly impossible act of bravery.

▶ Created on December 8, 2020 by Debbie

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