Resistbot Petition: Oppose the Restrict Bill!

An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Oppose the Restrict Bill!

1,459 so far! Help us get to 2,000 signers!

I urge you to fervently reject the Restrict Bill, S 686. This bill is a direct violation to the people of the United States freedoms. This bill is an incredible overreach that seeks to censor citizens, restrict their access to information and handicap their ability to communicate. This bill carries punishments that are draconian and entirely too severe for the so called crime of accessing information. If you do not oppose this bill I will be donating both time and money to electing to office someone who can actually protect the interests and rights of the people of the United States. We can not be complicit in ushering in this new dark age.

▶ Created on March 29, 2023 by Sara

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