Resistbot Petition: MONDAY IN AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Very excited about Monday. Just got a text informing me that HCM, the hospital system in Fredericksburg, 40 miles from me, has received another shipment of Covid vaccine. So at high noon tomorrow, myself and who knows how many others will frantically begin the process to get a vaccination appointment. Kind of akin to buying a lottery ticket. All this because the Trump administration left office with little to no plan for vaccine distribution. It was all about claiming success for the vaccine, not about implementation. Oh, and the articles of impeachment will be delivered to the Senate. Same song. Different day. I’ve given up hope that my senators will do the right thing in holding Mr. Trump accountable for any of his actions. Even actions that endangered their own lives. You gotta love the lengths that politicians will go to to protect their power. But I can’t help but wonder. What world are we living in when a president of the United States can abuse his power over and over and over again, and those granted the power to something about it, instead choose to do nothing? Except make excuses. What America are we living in? Our founding fathers have got to be spinning in their graves. So. While I’m trying frantically to get a vaccine so I can resume my normal life eventually, and help the country move past the horrors of the past year, what will my Senators be doing? Will you really be helping us move forward by letting future presidents know they cannot try and subvert our country without consequence? Or will you put loyalty to yourselves and Mr. Trump above all other considerations? I’m pretty sure I know the answer. But I just can’t give up the hope that right is right. And will win out. In any case, I wish us all luck with our Mondays.

▶ Created on January 25, 2021 by Debbie

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