Resistbot Petition: STEP UP PLEASE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A gentle reminder from a minority constituent. The American Rescue Plan, disavowed by every Republican in the House, now heading to the Senate where it appears Republican Senators aim to do the same, is approved of by an over-whelming majority of Americans. Including a large number of Republican governors and majors. You know, those leaders on the frontlines grounded in reality. Leaders who don’t have the luxury of political pandering when their constituents are suffering. Regardless of whatever justification you throw out for your individual decisions to put party over the country and its people, it will ring hollow. You can whine about the lack of bipartisanship when it’s you and yours who are laying on the floor with a temper tantrum. And refusing to play with the majority of us. It’s an interesting calculation to vote against the wishes of people in need. Which I expect include many of your own constituents. Then add in fealty to Trump going forward, the man who helped you lose the senate and presidency, I think y’all have a death wish for the Republican Party. Perhaps there’s a reason you’re currently in the minority?

▶ Created on March 1, 2021 by Debbie

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