An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s a topsy-turvy world isn’t it? We don’t know what to believe anymore. Is it real? Is it AI? Is it fake news, aka propaganda? Whatever your bent, you can find it validated. True or not. Do we love our democracy? Believe in our constitution? Do we support our military? Do we back the blue? Do we support equal justice for all? Do we want the rule of law? Or not? Or do we prefer instead a governing faction that prefers power over the Republic? Do we back the insurrectionists among us? Do we think the Constitution needs redacting? Do we revile our military and its leaders? Do we bash the blue, literally and figuratively? Do we believe justice is dispensable rather than dispensed? And do we prefer a potential leader who does everything within his power to subvert our system of justice and make Americans doubt its relevance? Just wondering. Because that seems like the current GOP. I generally vote Independent. But recent years, and what I’ve watched happen, have turned me into a yellow dog Democrat. I vote for sanity and pragmatism. Y’all have none that I can see. I vote for people who can get the job done. I don’t vote for noise. I don’t vote for chaos. I don’t vote for people with no discernible moral character. And I will definitely never ever vote for anyone who puts party over country. And Rep Pfluger, shame on you for proving my point by voting for Jim Jordan for Speaker. He cannot even admit Biden won the election. He was knee deep in January 6. And I have never observed a more inappropriate choice for any elected office, much less becoming second in line for the Presidency. Shame on you all for bringing us to this point.

▶ Created on October 19, 2023 by Debbie

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