Remove the 3 anti-democracy riders from the must-pass spending bill!
249 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!
There are 3 anti-democracy “riders” buried in the “must pass” omnibus funding bill before Congress right now that would damage political transparency and violate voters' right to know who is spending big money to influence our government.
The first would stop the SEC from finalizing a rule requiring corporations to disclose their political spending to shareholders and the public. The public petition for this rulemaking at the SEC has received 1.2 million public comments — the most in the agency’s history.
The second would stop the IRS from creating clear definitions for nonprofit engagement in politics. Without clear guidance defining what nonprofits can and cannot do in elections, groups wanting to influence our elections with secret money can abuse the system without consequences.
Finally, the third rider would prohibit a requirement that federal contractors be transparent about their political spending. But it's just common sense that a company getting tax dollars for doing business for the government should be forthright about its political engagement.
Voters have a right to know who's spending big money to influence our votes and our government. Congressional leadership must ensure these anti-democracy riders don't remain in the bill. Thanks.