An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “TRUMP TWEET. DADDY SAYS BE IN DC ON JAN. 6TH.” So begins today’s extremely in-depth WaPo timeline of Red Flags reporting leading up to the events of January 6. It’s frightening. Frightening because our system is not/was not set up for the scenario that evolved. Fear of then President Trump’s wrath. Politics. Miscommunication. Complacency. Sloppiness. Discounting signs of impending violence that was planned in plan sight. The FBI was uncomfortable with what they considered First Amendment rights. Classic case of they won’t look at a plan for a crime until the crime has been committed. But this time the plan was going to entail the overthrow of our government. And deaths of elected officials. Our country has focused too much on threats from abroad. Our most serious threats are home-grown, nurtured by our freedoms. Downplayed because they’re our own citizens. No one in their right mind could have envisioned an army of supporters, led and instigated by a president encouraging violence, which he himself created the basis for. So it’s understandable that that scenario might be disbelieved. But to disbelieve it, you would have to have been living in a hole for 4+ years. So who is in charge of protecting us from ourselves? Do we just sit and watch it all spiral down? And tsk tsk? And express concern? And point fingers at the wrong people? While the same damage continues. When we all know where this particular mess originated. With DADDY. And the faithful who bought his bad-faith declarations in support of his own psychological need to never ever be considered a loser. For his personal need writ large, we got to sit home in horror and watch our Capitol be ransacked. Lives lost. Lives threatened. And our country diminished. And yet you guys are still on the Trump train. How can you continue to hurt the country with either your silence, your assent, or your active participation? It’s not a game.

▶ Created on October 31, 2021 by Debbie

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