Resistbot Petition: ET TU BIG BIRD?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s nice to start a beautiful Sunday morning with a big ol laugh, for a change. So thank you Sen. Cruz for supplying some much needed levity. What I read today was way funnier than your recent defense of the Nazi salute. Of course I’m talking about the socialist government-sponsored PBS propaganda machine Sesame Street. And it’s giant yellow subversive, Big Bird. Big Bird, who seems way more interested in protecting America’s children than my senator from Texas. Big Bird, who is encouraging listeners , and children, to get vaccinated. For their own good, and the country’s. To which BB received this stinging rebuke… “Cruz responded: “Government propaganda … for your 5 year old!” So I guess we should have been without vaccine mandates for smallpox? And should we now be without vaccine mandates for diphtheria /tetanus/pertussis? Polio? Measles/mumps/rubella?Hepatitis A and B? And others? Should our kids just be unprotected from all preventable deadly diseases for your cynical politics? Because I would bet the farm that you are not so cavalier with the health of your own children. So your statements on Big Bird were humorous…up to a point. But I guess you have to play the cards you’re dealt. And it’s obvious y’all haven’t got much beyond dissing Big Bird. Who at this point seems way more a leader than you and yours. P.S. you can call me a knee jerk liberal till the cows come home. But that’s not the source of my letter today. I’m just embarrassed for Texas. Too bad you’re not.

▶ Created on November 7, 2021 by Debbie

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