Resistbot Petition: WE DON’T WANT THIS (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Gov. Abbott your actions along the border are finally catching up with you. Across the nation people get to read about the inhumanity you are putting forth as being what your constituents want. Your constituents do not want women and children drowning on our southern border. Your constituents want real, positive, rational, realistic solutions. Not armed guards. Not razor wire. Not busing migrants to Arctic conditions in the dead of winter and dumping them on cities who will actually take care of them when you refuse to. We don’t want people who come here, desperate for a better life by whatever means they can manage, to be treated as pawns for your politics. Your actions have backfired. You assume that you have a constituency as heartless as you are. You do not. We want solutions. Not death. We want you to work with the federal government. Not to bring arms against it. And regardless of any inane bumper stickers to the contrary, we do not want Texit. We want sanity. How about trying that for awhile? If perception is reality, you just lost the game. And P.S. we want our billions of dollars back that you have used for theater rather than solutions. We were robbed.

▶ Created on January 14 by Debbie

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