Resistbot Petition: BORDER. DONE AND DONE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just as I was wondering why Senate Republicans decided, again, to vote against their own border security bill I’m reading why that might be…illegal border crossings are down 54% from last December’s high. That’s the only reason I am see why you wouldn’t pass a border bill that your own members spent months working on. A border bill that gave Republican members a lot of things they said they always wanted, and made a lot of Democrats unhappy. But you apparently wanted to hold out for better right? But it looks like the bill put to a vote yesterday took away a lot of the original concessions Democrats made in the first version. Whoops. I don’t know who negotiates for your party on these issues but they might need a course on how that should work. Senator Langford, who like the rest of us believed that a solution was actually the goal, was forced to vote against the bill he worked had so diligently on. Make that make sense please. “You know you’re a great negotiator when you wring concessions out of your opponent and then refuse to accept them.” Me, I’m going to work with the assumption that you consider the border issue resolved for the time being. And that the Biden administration deserves all the credit. Because y’all did absolutely zero on the issue. Other than shoot yourselves in the foot.

▶ Created on May 24 by Debbie

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