Resistbot Petition: AMERICA IS DIMMING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Closing out another day of limbo. Coronavirus task force briefing without the task force. Watching Mr. Trump monotone his way through canned verbiage. Why bother. No one we trust is allowed to speak. Or even be there. Or if they’re there, they’re relegated to the back bench. What a waste. What a disservice to the American people. But we’re so used to it. At this point anyone who tunes in to listen to non-information gets to also listen to a real time rewriting of the federal response to the pandemic. I’m not sure who is buying such a thing, but as the man said, there’s a sucker born every minute. But Mr. Trump also made time in his busy day to talk to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Comparing notes on how his own evolving authoritarian state compares to theirs no doubt. No discussion of a Russian bounties in American military I assume. Old news. And if Mr. Trump doesn’t care, why should his Senate enablers. Lastly, the slow evolution of the presidential military occupation of blue states who have displeased him. Can’t wait to see the next episode of that. I hear they’re shooting in Chicago. No pun intended. I sound flip because it doesn’t really seem to matter. I’ve been mad. Sad. Outraged. Disgusted. So what. The show carries on regardless of my thumbs up or thumbs down. We are resigned in our despair. For a bit. 103 days till November 3.

▶ Created on July 24, 2020 by Debbie

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