Resistbot Petition: WE SEE YOU

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. As the nuclear fallout from the Insurrection at the Capitol on Wednesday comes fast and furious, it’s almost comical how quickly the GOP rewriting of history and ferocious backpedaling is occurring. Everyone racing for the door at the same time looks a bit like what America watched on their TVs...a mob. But rather a mob trying to escape the building. A mob even more shameful than the Capitol rioters. Because that mob was a direct result of your enabling, for four years, a president who the majority of America knew KNEW would one day bring us to such a point. And that you and yours discounted. Deflected. Trivialized. Used. That mob believed your lies. We did not. You berated, laughed at, scorned, ignored our concerns. The concerns of a majority of your fellow citizens. So when we read such as this from one of the main wannabe seditionists responsible for the current mayhem, we see it for what it is. "The President's language and rhetoric often goes too far. I think, yesterday in particular, the President's language and rhetoric crossed the line and it was reckless. I disagree with it, and I have disagreed with the President's language and rhetoric for the last four years." Is that why, Sen. Cruz, you ran point on the Senate impeachment trial to ensure Trump was acquitted? Is that why you volunteered to be the lead lawyer in the ridiculous attempt by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to throw out votes in other states if the case was heard by the Supreme Court? Is that why you breathed life into the lie of election fraud promoted by Mr. Trump, and along with others of your ilk, brought it to the floor of the Senate in an attempt to overthrow the will of we the people? And did not back down even in the face of anarchy that Americans have not seen in generations? Cloak it how you will in your false words of indignation on behalf of the American people, your cumulative and persistent actions resulted in a direct attempt to subvert the government you swore to defend. So I say this to all my elected officials. You think we don’t see you. We see you. May history, past, present, and future, do the same.

▶ Created on January 8, 2021 by Debbie

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