An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Re: border security. I can’t believe we the people have to pay for this kind of crap. You say you want something. Your people work hard at achieving it. Negotiations are made. Both sides not totally happy, but willing to compromise to work towards a solution, for the good of the country. The best deal in decades, heavily weighted to the right, is born. A good thing, right? No. Because even before its first breath is drawn, it’s smothered. By the very folks who said they wanted it. “”Quite frankly, I was surprised at some folks that said, ‘It’ll take me days and weeks to be able to read through the bill,’ yet within a few minutes they tweeted out their opposition,” [Sen. Lankford] said in an interview earlier Monday.” “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) wrote. “They literally demanded specific policy, got it, and then killed it.” What, exactly, is Speaker Johnson’s objection to doing so many things his party ran for office to do? Can he explain it to the American people? All of these things he seems intent on killing are very much supported by the majority of Americans And along with killing a border deal, national security funding seems shaky as well. What we’re reading… Foreign affairs journalist Anne Applebaum reflected on the teetering national security measure and wrote: “People will die, today, because of the cynical game played by the American Republican party. Their irresponsibility is breathtaking.” Foreign affairs specialist Tom Nichols of The Atlantic wrote: “Letting Ukraine fall because of [Republicans’] cultish loyalty to Trump will be a betrayal that will stain America forever—and probably end up pulling us into a fight for Europe later. This is one of the rare moments when the path to disaster is clearly marked and avoidable.” Former representative  Liz Cheney (R-WY) summed up the day’s crisis over the national security measure: “On Trump’s orders, Republicans  in Congress are rejecting the border security deal. They’re also abandoning America’s allies in Ukraine. Trump and the [Republicans] are losing the war on purpose in an inexcusable betrayal that will strengthen America’s enemies for years to come.” I’m with Sen. Lankford, ‘I need a nap.’ And everyone who continues to put party over country for a man who will never be king needs to be fired.

▶ Created on February 6 by Debbie

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