Resistbot Petition: AMERICAN COUP?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So let me get this straight. Republicans in Congress are privately passing their congratulations to P-E Joe Biden, behind closed doors, but afraid to say anything publicly. Supporting all efforts to overthrow the voice of the American people by ridiculous and frivolous lawsuits that go far beyond legitimate questioning of election results. All while secretly saying that all of this Republican cooperation with the Trump administration denial of reality fantasy is just to protect the president’s fragile ego as he makes his way to the exit. Does this plan include our Secretary-of-State Mike Pompeo announcing to the media that “Yes, there will be a successful transition to a second Trump administration”? Is this a coup? I’m asking seriously. Because this has all the markings of such. Attempting to overthrow a legitimate election. Firing heads of important national security agencies. The State Dept. supporting a second Trump term, regardless of election reality. Republican senators talking trash at every opportunity, sowing doubt, sowing mayhem, sowing violence with their words. The government currently in power not accepting the votes of the majority of America. For those of us not playing whatever scary game of thrones you’re working on, it scares the crap out of us. And your private assurances that nothing nefarious is going on is not only dubious, but anti-American. This is the legacy you want? Who are the anarchists now? This is seriously unbelievable.

▶ Created on November 10, 2020 by Debbie

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