Resistbot Petition: WHAT WOULD ABE DO?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “I speak for the state of Georgia when I say do not invoke Congressman Lewis’s name to signal your virtue while you work to erode his legacy and defy his will.” Jon Ossoff on the floor of the Senate Wednesday last. Speaking specifically to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). Who bristled at the notion she was thwarting the work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis by blocking passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. But he could have been speaking to all GOP Senators. GOP Senators who in the past lined up on the side of protecting voting rights. What changed? What changed is a party that has lost its way. Who has pledged allegiance, no longer to the country and its citizens, but to a demigod who wraps himself in the flag while actively trying to burn it as he tried, tries, will try again to pervert the country to his will. Combine this misplaced fealty with policies the majority of us do not want and will not want…and there’s the change. Fear drives your decision. Fear of never winning another election without suppression. Fear of the people’s will winning at the ballot box. Just as it did in 2020. Won WITHOUT election/voter fraud. Couch it how you will in outraged words, denial of the obvious, and actions to the contrary. In your case at least, actions speak way louder than words. And your actions are the opposite of your words in this important matter. As Sen. Ossoff continued in his clear-eyed calling out of hypocrisy, “Abraham Lincoln must be turning in his grave to hear the senators from the Grand Old Party.” But I expect even Honest Abe would have a hard time convincing you to do the right thing on this one.

▶ Created on January 23, 2022 by Debbie

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