The Trump administration's actions constitute a serious threat to the rule of law and the constitutional system of checks and balances. Their defiance of court orders, unilateral blocking of congressionally approved funding, and assertions that the executive branch can ignore judicial rulings represent a dangerous overreach of executive power. This lawlessness undermines the foundations of our democracy and must be resisted. As a co-equal branch of government, Congress has a constitutional duty to act as a check on the executive and safeguard the separation of powers. I urge you to take concrete steps to rein in this administration's abuses and reassert Congress's rightful authority. Subpoena Elon Musk and DOGE to investigate their undue influence and illegal access to government systems. Hold public oversight hearings to shine a light on the administration's open defiance of court orders. And if these transgressions continue unabated, you must be prepared to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President for his repeated violations of the constitution. Restoring respect for the rule of law is paramount. Our system of government cannot function if one branch arrogates unto itself powers that rightly belong to the others. I implore you to take decisive action to uphold your constitutional obligations and check this administration's reckless abuses before further damage is done. The health of our democracy depends on your willingness to act.