Resistbot Petition: CRY ME A RIVER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I gotta say…the hand-wringing going on as peaceful protests continue outside SCOTUS homes is gobsmacking in its hypocrisy. I wonder where this concern for personal safety was when the U.S. Capitol was being ransacked, with y’all inside running for cover? It appears the most common sentiment we hear from your side these days is that it was folks unhappy just expressing their discontent. With violence sure, but still. No harm. No foul. First amendment. The events of the day were blown way out of importance. Let’s move on. But scrawl a polite please Susie in chalk on a sidewalk and all hell breaks loose. Light some candles. Do some chanting. Make voices heard. Call out the riot squad! Sic the might of the U.S. government on them! Please. If we the people cannot express complete and total outrage with the imminent ripping away of a woman’s right of personal autonomy, then what is the point of a democracy? Women are not trying to overthrow a legitimate election based on the lying intent of one man and one political party. Women are fighting to keep their status as independent autonomous humans. Who have a right to their personhood. If a woman has to potentially live with the upcoming reality that she may be arrested, accused of murder, have to carry a rapist’s baby to term, carry a non-viable baby to term, give birth to and raise a child regardless her circumstances, the MEN who put this into reality can stand a little noise outside their houses. All the mealymouthed mewling about the consequences of your actions are laughable. If y’all can’t take the raw outrage that’s coming your way you shouldn’t have poked the bear.

▶ Created on May 12, 2022 by Debbie

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