Resistbot Petition: GOP RECKONING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Continuing thoughts on personal responsibility. Mr. Trump, heading to Alamo, in the great state of Texas, takes time to disavow any misconception that he holds any responsibility for any of the desecration America watched unfold on January 6. He all but said it was a perfect speech he threw at his angry mob. Take that Kevin McCarthy. Check and checkmate. So here are things (a small list because it is impossible to list them all from the past four years) that no longer require the taking of personal responsibility. Children in cages. Dereliction of duty during a pandemic. Supporting white supremacy. Inciting insurrection. Dividing America with grievance and hate. Lying to America. Misinforming America. Misleading America. Destroying America. Watching TV while people are killed during an organized assault against our democracy. And refusing to assist in any way until it was too late. If you haven’t read today’s WaPo tik-tok of the six hours of Trump inaction during the siege, you should. And if you dare say lamestream media or fake news or enemy of the state, I might retort, perhaps your government should step up and report their version of events instead. If there is indeed a government left. Instead we seem to be left with ‘good’ men doing nothing. So I leave you with words from someone from your party who knows of what he speaks: “William Webster, the former federal judge, FBI director and CIA director, endorses Trump’s impeachment. “I’m a lifelong Republican, but I am an American first,” he writes in an op-ed for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “Never in my 96 years did I imagine a sitting president of the United States, abetted by numerous members of Congress, using tools of deception and innuendo to challenge the will of the American people in choosing their leadership. Abraham Lincoln warned us that ‘America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.’” What can you say to that? What will you say to that?

▶ Created on January 12, 2021 by Debbie

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