Resistbot Petition: DERELICTION DELUXE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well, that’s done. Your party killed a BI-PARTISAN search for any real truth behind the January 6 insurrection. And the reasons are blatant. And damning. To think that you saved your first Biden filibuster for this action. Not for tax increases. Not for social programs. Not for immigration. Not for the myriad of other issues available to choose from. No, you chose to filibuster to shut down a quest for truth. To shut down any path to figure out why the Capitol was breached. And how to prevent it from happening again. Because you are afraid. Afraid of Trump. Afraid of implications of GOP member culpability. Afraid of what might come out. Not because it will be biased. But because it might actually be the truth. And you can’t handle the truth. I’m not sure why your leaders think this might be a winning strategy in 2022 and/or 2024. You surely don’t think that with your actions today that the matter will simply go away. Some of us still care about our American democracy. And the very idea that you and yours choose instead to pander to lies, and the people who believe them, shows with certainty you do not deserve the title civil servant. And you certainly don’t belong in our government. Just another sad day in the slow degradation of the Republican Party. By your own hand. Seriously, what job is worth this?

▶ Created on May 28, 2021 by Debbie

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