Resistbot Petition: DO YOU HEAR US NOW?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Woman roared across the country. And y’all didn’t think it would, could happen. You thought we’d be more worried about the price of goods than the tearing away of a basic fundamental right of control over our own bodies, lives, and futures. If you truly believed that, then you are as wooden-headed as you believed us to be. It’s astounding to read the after-game analysis by almost everyone (except most women), marveling about why and how this could have happened. How could the GOP not have continued the tradition of the party in power being smacked down during a mid-term? I’ll give you two reasons… Women. And Donald J. Trump. You didn’t get it when we tried to tell you. Maybe now you do?

▶ Created on November 9, 2022 by Debbie

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