Resistbot Petition: BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Yay. Another morning where the first headlines I see have to do with my government potentially defaulting on its obligations. Front of mind for me and lots others who manage to stay out of the poorhouse because we count on regular, consistent, guaranteed income? Social Security. Without SS my mortgage doesn’t get paid. My utilities don’t get paid. Or rather I would choose to eat. If that’s even a manageable option. But observing the tactics going on right now, I feel quite certain I could forgo paying my bills by perhaps threatening to burn down the house rather than making a mortgage payment. Seems drastic but if our leadership chooses that as a viable method of negotiation, it must be a smart way to do it. I guess I, and a lot of your constituents, will have to wait and see if that will work for us as well as it’s working for the GOP. We certainly learn a lot from watching what y’all do. And what I’ve learned mostly is that it’s good to live in a world where anything goes. Where you can do what you want as long as there are no repercussions. Where you can go against the majority of voters wishes and be just fine with it. And use your power to threaten the faith, credit, and well-being of America and her citizens for politics. I just hope all my creditors see it that way. Fingers crossed.

▶ Created on May 9, 2023 by Debbie

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