Resistbot Petition: THIS IS OUR BEST?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Ever have one of those light bulb moments? It’s probably the same moment most people have when they realize the world they thought they lived in has passed them by. And I wouldn’t mind that feeling if it only meant I didn’t know how to hook up my new tv or didn’t know the current music scene or didn’t care who wore what to where. But my epiphany is way more serious. Because I now realize that no matter how much I bleat about good v. evil, might v. right, kind v. caring, or even the concept of the Golden Rule, it just doesn’t apply any more. That is not the world we find ourselves in. This realization finally hit home when I see high-ranking members of the GOP taking their cue from Tucker Carlson and the once-shunned fever swamp of the right in refusing to disavow white supremacist rhetoric. Or even deeds. Treading softly so as not to alienate the worst aspects of our society. All in favor of political power. I’m speaking of the latest mass shooting, a deliberate hate-crime against black Americans. Oh the usual thoughts and prayers and ‘heartbroken’ rote words are sent, but any true disavowal is as absent as humanity is these days. This is not the America I believe in. But this is the America we have. And more sadly, the one we seem to want. Y’all make me so sad. But you should make yourselves sadder because it’s your party and your enabling that has brought us to this diminished state. To this ever-increasingly dangerous state. Nothing to do but watch it play out to its logical conclusion. Think it’s gonna be pretty? Oh well. Asi es la vida.

▶ Created on May 16, 2022 by Debbie

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