No on KOSA! Don't destroy the privacy of all Americans
356 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!
As your constituent, I am strongly opposed to KOSA (Kids Online Security Act):
A website can't tell who's a minor without age-verifying every visitor to the site. I don't want to have to scan my face or my ID every time I visit any site on the internet and I don't want that information out there to get hacked
People have suggested states or companies will build third party age verification systems that will tell sites whether I'm an adult. That's worse! I don't want anyone to keep a list of the sites I visit and what I do there. KOSA is a privacy disaster pretending to be a kids' protection bill
The danger you're trying to address doesn't even exist -- even the Surgeon General's own report says that the facts are complicated and social media is beneficial for a large number of kids. You're destroying the privacy of all Americans for a problem that isn't even real.
Everything Congress is trying to do with KOSA, parents can do themselves with parental control software, device filters, and actual parenting. Vote No on KOSA and give those parents actual help doing that instead