Resistbot Petition: WHO’S  PAYING FOR ALL THIS?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Hear that fizzle? Sound familiar? I think y’all need to go back and reread the definition of insanity. I’m speaking of the baited-breath, all a-tingle, now-the-other-shoe-is-fixin-to-drop-for-real-this-time House Judiciary Committee featuring the testimony of Special Counsel Robert Hur about his report on Biden’s handling of classified documents. Another notch for all blow and no go. Shall we do a review? Republican Rep. Jim Jordan’s various committee investigations (who can keep count?) have proven the adage where there’s no smoke, there’s no fire. He does have zeal. Just no evidence. Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk’s Jan. 6 committee failed to deliver the results the party hoped to see. Republican prosecutor John Durham’s special counsel investigation failed to deliver the results the party hoped to see. Hunter Biden. Coronavirus. Etc etc etc. And then, of course, there’s the granddaddy of ‘em all: The GOP’s ongoing impeachment inquiry targeting Joe Biden, which has been a humiliating failure for quite a while. But the hearing yesterday was a vivid real-time live example of spin colliding with the written word. The Democrats came prepared. The special counsel was hoisted on his own words, and shown to be a lawyer, not a mental health professional. And worse, as much as he tried to play the objective, just the facts ma’am, narrator, his own words came back to haunt him. Having to admit that he never expected a written transcript of the actual Biden interview to be made public says it all. He did Pres. Biden a disservice. He did the country a disservice. And the GOP does the country a disservice every time they launch yet another ridiculous investigation of things existing only in their own minds. Either get better at proving stuff, or maybe try governing?

▶ Created on March 13 by Debbie

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