Resistbot Petition: HERE WE GO AGAIN

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another day of amateur hour in the U.S. House of Representatives. What are y’all doing? The current bright idea of trying to stall funding to Israel and Ukraine in this day of global uncertainty, just to make sure the IRS will stop trying to collect taxes from rich folk who have had a long stretch of not paying their fair share owed to the country they live in, is vile. And not a good look. (You do know that a whole lot of money is coming into our coffers as a result of increased enforcement against tax scofflaws? Isn’t that what you want? More money in our bank account?) Why can’t y’all just try and come together and work to solve our problems, not make them worse? This is not leadership. This is abuse of power. These continued antics do not make you look like you’re fighting for the average American. It makes you look like you’re fighting for a personal agenda. An agenda the vast majority of us do not want. We look at the world around us. We see half of our government, and the sane faction still left in the GOP, trying to work for America and her interests, not against them. The rest of you are in the way. But the problem with zealotry is that it does not negotiate. It does not bend. Just ask the Taliban. Ask Hamas. They believe they are right too. And they will burn it all down, and their people along with it, in pursuit of the beliefs of a minority. So here we go with yet more, and more dangerous, tilting at windmills, putting the country through more political misery. And threatening our future security. I hope you got everything you wanted with your new speaker. The rest of us are the opposite of impressed.

▶ Created on October 31, 2023 by Debbie

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