Resistbot Petition: CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Continuing today’s theme of GOP poor judgement… “In any election cycle, parties and candidates invest an enormous amount of energy trying to determine which issues are most important to voters. With this in mind, the latest USA Today/Suffolk University poll included an open-ended question in its latest national survey: “Thinking about your vote for U.S. Congress this November, what’s the most important issue that will affect your vote?” As is often the case when voters aren’t presented with specific options, the responses varied quite a bit, with only a handful of issues topping 3 percent: Economy: 20 percent Abortion: 16 percent Inflation/cost of living: 11 percent Immigration/border control: 5 percent This same poll found Democrats leading Republicans on the congressional generic ballot, 44 percent to 40 percent — a shift from the parties being tied in the same poll a month ago.” Contrary to this pompous prediction… “Angry leftists, many of whom are pretty ignorant and don’t even know what overturning Roe means, I think a month afterwards are gonna be surprised — ‘Wait, nothing about my life changed.’” Sen. Ted Cruz Pot meet kettle. Ignorant indeed. Just more mansplaining, discounting, pooh-poohing from people without a uterus. We’ve heard it all before. And you’ll hear us big time at the ballot box.

▶ Created on July 29, 2022 by Debbie

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