Resistbot Petition: SCOTUS VS GOP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well. That was some SOTU last night huh? It had it all. Optimism and hope and accomplishments, which your side seems by and large apathetic about. I thought y’all were all about the country and prosperity? Apparently not so much. Among the many things y’all decided were bad for America seemed to include pay raises for teachers, successful drug interdiction, fair prices for prescription drugs, insurance for the people who need it and on and on and on. You seemed even hesitant to cheer for America herself. Too woke for you? But at least you showed your support for Social Security and Medicare. (You know how y’all are always going on about owning the libs? Now you know what that feeling must be like. Your buttons are easily pushed it appears.) I’m an independent voter. But I lean towards sanity, accomplishments, optimism, and true personal freedom for all. And I haven’t seen anything remotely close to that from the GOP in recent memory. So if you’re wondering what might get my vote in the future, it’s not what we watched from your side of the aisle last night. It was the perfect example, as the GOP rebuttal pointed out, of…”The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” You got that right.

▶ Created on February 8, 2023 by Debbie

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