Resistbot Petition: WHERE WERE YOU WHEN?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. These days I would prefer to focus on our country’s renewed interest in democracy, brought about by an authoritarian dictator’s brutal, illegitimate attempt to bomb a sovereign democratic country and its citizenry into oblivion And I truly love the united front that DC is currently showing the world. As it should be during this time of global crisis. I hope we can learn from this unity. But just so you know that all is not forgotten, nor forgiven… Mr. Trump is not, was not, will never be a deterrent to Putin. Stop saying that. He was the opposite of deterrent in every single interaction he had with Russia. And any small consequences he was forced to put on them he complained about. And since we’re all wondering what things would look like if he were president, now that Putin is making his move, Mr. Trump told us in NOLA on Saturday. He told GOP’s top donors that the US should label its F-22 planes with the Chinese flag and “bomb the s — t out of Russia.” “And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch.” I hear the crowd got a good laugh out of that. Ultimately the GOP’s sudden attempt to rewrite history cannot ever erase the fact that every Republican in the House of Representatives voted against impeaching Trump when he withheld $391 million in aid for Ukraine that Congress had appropriated, offering to release it only on the condition that President Zelenskyy announce an investigation into Hunter Biden. They were all willing to look the other way as Trump weakened Ukraine. Then, when he was impeached and the case went to the Senate to be tried, every single Republican senator except Mitt Romney voted to acquit Mr. Trump of the charges stemming from his attempt to hamstring Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. (I guess that’s why two GOP senators were so quick to tweet out their participation in the recent meeting with Pres. Zelenskyy, even when asked not to.) Y’all have made nothing but bad bets. And finally seeing the light is not absolution. But at least it’s better than you have been. There may yet be hope.

▶ Created on March 6, 2022 by Debbie

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