Resistbot Petition: FLORIDA MAN DID IT ALL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Way to go Florida Supreme Court. While implementing a draconian abortion ban AND allowing a ballot measure to allow voters to decide who actually should have dominion over their own bodies in November, it’s the perfect one two punch. Wanna bet which one is going to be the knockout? Abortion is the GOP’s Waterloo. It’s head scratching how your party persists in the fantasy that this is just a random issue that will eventually blow over…and that you will be victorious with enough persistence. Good luck with that, bubba. Every day we are reminded that you will never stop in your efforts to take away reproductive rights. So you can dance around, avoid, run away from, and bob and weave on this issue, but we see the true intent. You will never stop. But neither will we. And unlike you, we have the American people on our side. Just wanted to remind you of that. Oh, and that it’s your guy who did it all. As he is all too happy to remind us.

▶ Created on April 2 by Debbie

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