Resistbot Petition: FED UP CONSTITUENT

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Looks like Gov. Abbott’s Berlin Wall has caused its first (that we’ve heard of anyway) death of a migrant seeking the sanctuary of America. Death by buoy. What’s next? Land mines? This shouldn’t be protected like a war zone. We need better laws. We need more bureaucrats. We need more, or any, state and federal cooperation. We don’t need, or want, political theatrics that use human lives to make a point. Plus, this tax-paying constituent, who will no doubt be pushed out of their home by ever-rising property taxes and insurance required for same, wants to know how our state has managed to spend $10 BILLION the past two years on securing the border? Is that a typo? What do we have to show for any of those dollars spent? Besides the gimmick of loading people up for shipment to ‘blue’ states. Other than various stunts building barriers doomed to failure. And abusing our National Guard volunteers by sending them into untenable situations. This is a travesty. I want my money back. And I want politicians who know how to problem solve, not pander. We need migrants. Fix what you can fix, and work with others to figure the rest out. Only an incompetent blames others for their own failings.

▶ Created on August 3, 2023 by Debbie

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