An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What we are seeing. What we saw. Versus what we hear. The chasm between is deep and undeniable. The last of the January 6 Committee hearings put a face to the misinformation and lies about that day spouted by your side of the aisle. Who was acting presidential that day when the President we had was raptly watched the destruction he had manifested? Congressional leaders. ALL Congressional leaders. Doing the job they were expected to do. Upholding their oaths of office to the People and the Country. Doing the right and honorable thing. But after the events of that day, after passionate words were spoken in condemnation, old patterns re-emerged. You went back to party over country. We the people saw with our own eyes the videos of the pandemonium and how leaders were trying to get control of the situation. The Vice-President. Mitch McConnell. Kevin McCarthy. Steve Scalise. Nancy Pelosi. Chuck Schumer. Working together. But the attempted re-writing of this visual record didn’t take long. People in that very same group began to throw stones across the aisle at the very folks trying to do the job the president refused to do. Denying the very evidence we were shown on Thursday. Nancy Pelosi did her job. All while the crowd was calling her to come out to meet her maker. V-P Pence did his job. All while the crowd his President had riled up constructed a gallows made just for him. Y’all could have participated in a healing moment for our country. You chose not to. And that’s the saddest thing ever. We won’t forget that. (Just like we won’t forget the image of Ms. Pelosi chewing on a Slim Jim while telling Mike Pence to be careful. That image is more Presidential than anything DJT ever did. So maybe that’s the saddest thing ever.)

▶ Created on October 15, 2022 by Debbie

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