Resistbot Petition: IT’S YOUR CHOICE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I hope this is the last letter I ever write to my Congressional officials. I’m exhausted. Ready to start ignoring you all. And now that sanity in the form of Joe Biden is about to enter the WH, I’m ready to sign off. Just one more observation. How many of y’all will be attending Mr. Trump’s going away party for himself? It sounds like the saddest affair ever. A losing event for an epic loser. I almost feel sorry for the delusion that he’s hoping to create with tawdry pomp and circumstance. Almost. Back to the question of your attendance. I’m assuming Senator Cruz and Rep. Pfluger will be there. And I’m assuming they will also be avoiding P-E Biden’s swearing in ceremony. And I’m assuming this because their actions in Congress on January 6 to continue furthering the lie of election fraud indicate they will go down with the ship of lies. Actually I would be quite surprised if many in Congress show up for Mr. Trump and his spectacle. The lunatic fringe will no doubt be there. And my Senator & Rep perhaps really only want to align with that faction when it serves their politics. But if you then show up for the Inauguration, what kind of shapeshifter does that make you both? Have your cake and eat it too? Your constituents are by and large not stupid. We can smell inauthenticity and political opportunism. Or worse, going along to get along. So either party you choose tomorrow, you’re still on the wrong side of everything. And your choice of politics and lies over the country and truth will have reverberating consequences. More of that inconvenient personal responsibility y’all are so fond of. You’re going to have to man up if you expect to move on.

▶ Created on January 19, 2021 by Debbie

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