Resistbot Petition: STOP THE BS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Landmark SCOTUS process going on. America should be proud. And the majority of us most definitely are. We’re watching a person of extreme talent and loyalty to our country showing our best to the world. It’s inspiring to watch her. To read about her. To listen to her. Unfortunately for the GOP Senators we have to watch, read, and listen to, the contrast in gravitas could not be starker. The questioners, or grandstanders rather, thus far are no doubt brighter than they seem. But if this is your idea of senatorial discourse, I’m very sad for you. It’s an embarrassment to the Senate. Which always seemed to be a weightier body that the more rambunctious House. But I guess y’all have watched and learned and lowered your bar to suit your viewing audience. Seriously, it’s been a cringe-worthy display thus far. And the really sad thing is is that you should be proud of our country, that we still possess such bright lights that want to serve her. Plus the historical significance can’t be lost, even on your members. Too bad y’all have to show up on the whiny side of history for this one. Just thought you’d like to know what it all looks like on this side of the TV.

▶ Created on March 22, 2022 by Debbie

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