Germans who turned a blind eye to Hitler's fascism and atrocities came to be called "Good Germans."
Do you want to be known as a "Good American"? Do you want to be a person who stood by while the constitution was discarded, while suicide helplines for veterans were cut, while research to cure cancer was axed, while people died of preventable diseases, while the president broke the law, while we betrayed our allies? While bigotry, hatred, division and racism were encouraged? While the economy was deliberately ruined?
Or do you want to be known as an American who did good by standing up to fascism and atrocities?
As a member of Congress you have more influence and power to stop the ruin of our democracy than most of those you serve.
Use your voice and your congressional role and tools.
Impeach Trump now.
▶ Created on March 20 byMary · 3,589 signers in
the past 7 days