Resistbot Petition: WEAK COWARD ON DISPLAY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m wondering this morning what to do with the events America watched last night. Incredulity isn’t strong enough. Dismay. Disbelief. Deranged. All weak words to describe what we saw. We saw an American President declare war on his own people for political gain. He called out the military on peaceful protestors. The split screen of his fake words supporting protestors against the reality of tear gas, rubber bullets and heavily armed military police. That is what America saw. Cowardice. Mendacity. Thuggery. Not power. Not dominance. Not a President in control. It reeked of desperation and cheap, poorly-produced gaslighting. And the spectacle of all the smiling, trailing sycophants and paid minions in his wake was astonishing. Jaw dropping. One for the history books. Lastly, to use a revered church and the Bible as awkward props, was cringe inducing. And enraging. I’m surprised he didn’t have an AR-15 strapped on as well. Kill all those pandering birds with one stone. He’s gone way beyond any degradation I thought him capable of. He’s weak. He’s cowardly. We want him gone. And I say the same about the half of our Congress that looks the other way while he promotes and encourages the destruction of our country. Please send him back to his bunker. And keep the WH lights off until November 3. Do the American people this one small favor. Please.

▶ Created on June 2, 2020 by Debbie

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