Resistbot Petition: STOP YAPPING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well. That didn’t take long. Watching my junior senator from Texas pretzel twist himself, with a straight face, is better than any cold opening on SNL. January 6 was NOT a violent insurrection. Peaceful protesters gathering to try and save half our population’s autonomy over their own bodies is mob violence. So I’m assuming trying to topple the government passes the patriotism test for you. But protests being organized to protest an actual, real, true, legitimate outrage is unacceptable. And bordering on criminality. Plus totally based on partisan politics. Sir, I think you’ve forgotten what true and righteous outrage looks like. Remember we the people? Then we watched him blithely declare that almost certainly it was one of the liberal justices many clerks who leaked the SCOTUS brief that led to all the kerfuffle. Way to sic the nuts on random folks without a shred of proof. What will you be saying if it turns out the leak came from the other side? I can hear the crickets already. I wonder why your reputation consists of not much more than shape-shifting, hypocrisy, and inauthenticity? Some people may find all that convincing and worthy of admiration. But those are not people most of us would want to know. I wish you would just stop. We’re sick of this crap.

▶ Created on May 8, 2022 by Debbie

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