Resistbot Petition: SHAME SHAME SHAME

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Rep. Pfluger, with your NO vote for an investigation into the awful events of January 6, 2021, you showed a lack of patriotism, character, and bravery. No decent American would not want to know how such an event was allowed to happen at the citadel of our democracy. What a shameful dereliction of duty to your constituents. And perhaps even worse, a shameful dereliction to the people who kept you all safe during that awful day. Who, with a NO vote, are thrown under the bus. I expect my two senators will show the same lack of courage. And will exhibit the same dereliction to their country, and constituents, as you did. Wrap it how you all will in forthcoming disingenuous justifications. “Benghazi. You guys chased the former secretary of state all over the country, spent millions of dollars. We have people scaling the Capitol, hitting the Capitol police with lead pipes across the head, and we can’t get bipartisanship. What else has to happen in this country? Cops: this is a slap in the face to every rank-and-file cop in the United States. If we’re going to take on China, if we’re going to rebuild the country, if we’re going to reverse climate change, we need two political parties in this country that are both living in reality—and you ain’t one of them.” Shame shame shame. How could you?How can you?

▶ Created on May 20, 2021 by Debbie

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