Resistbot Petition: IS THIS TEXAS JUSTICE? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. You would think it would be a no-brainer that the long-touted law and order party would abide by our long-established fundamental law and order process. But apparently not so much. Enter Gov. Abbott. Who must have been waiting outside the courtroom door when the guilty verdict was handed down in the recent shooting and killing of a BLM protester in Austin by Daniel Perry. Mr. Perry was convicted of murder, deliberate murder, based on evidence presented to a jury. A jury that unanimously agreed that he was guilty of the charges against him. But in these politics-above-all-else days, our Governor, apparently worried that Tucker Carlson and his mean girl hordes might be coming for him, immediately asked for a review of the case in question for a potential pardon. Seriously? This is so blatant a misuse of power that it still has the power to shock. You want to make this guy a martyr? To what? For what? When will y’all learn that the majority, the MAJORITY, of America looks at such actions with revulsion? To negate the decision of a jury of citizens makes a mockery of our justice system. All because politics demands it. It is slimy. It is wrong. And the governor’s actions make him look weak. As do any of you who go along with such actions.

▶ Created on April 17, 2023 by Debbie

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