Resistbot Petition: JUST STOP IT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “Also today, the far-right House Freedom Caucus has called for an end to any discussions of raising the debt ceiling until the Senate passes its bill calling for extreme budget cuts. Forcing the nation into default will cause a global economic panic and, asked if they should compromise with the White House, Representative Bob Good (R-VA) said: “Why would we? We have a winning hand.”” I am an independent voter. I have voted for both parties through the years. But have not, and will not, probably ever again vote for any Republican for a federal office. Why? Because of the attitude exhibited in the comment above. My way or the highway regardless of the constituent impact. Of the American economy impact. Of our standing in the world. A debt default would be an event not to be recovered from easily. And I still can’t grasp the thought that GOP actions are for the good of the country and its people. It’d be laughable if it wasn’t so terrifying. As was so succinctly put in a recent MarketWatch article… “Failing to raise or suspend the debt ceiling and putting the Treasury on the brink of default is about as dumb as politics gets, directly opposed to the interests of every American investor, consumer and taxpayer. It’s not a political chip to be played with, and anyone using it to achieve political goals — regardless of the side they represent — has lost sight of your interests. You should remember that come re-election time.”

▶ Created on May 20, 2023 by Debbie

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