Resistbot Petition: DIFFERENT DAY, SAME CACA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What we’re watching/reading… Will they or won’t they? Will the predominately originalist faction of SCOTUS put their money where their mouths are and rule on Thursday that DJT actually is an insurrectionist that should be kicked off the presidential ballot? Will they heed history, read the amendment as intended by the writers, read it as interpreted in the time it was written, or will they turn political like the rest of our society? Will they succumb to partisanship and throw over their eternally professed views on the sanctity of the Constitution as written? I’m thinking sure thing. Next. A border plan has been submitted. It sounds like it makes no one completely happy, which seems the point of good negotiations. But shall we stop pretending it’s going anywhere? The people who participated in the lengthy, heartfelt negotiations were as deluded as the rest of us in thinking that a certain faction of the GOP Congress actually wants the solution they are always yelping about. The yelping is the point. There is no real interest in a solution. Especially in an election year. “Republicans, including Johnson, had demanded a package last fall that linked border policy changes to billions in foreign aid. But the speaker denies his new position [DOA] is due to Trump, saying on Meet the Press: "He's not calling the shots. I'm the one calling the shots.”” Ha ha. As long as DJT calls the shots, and he does, it’s already a not-done deal. So stop with the hypocritical BS. We’re not falling for it. Again. What’s good for the country is not top of mind with y’all. He wants back in office, and his wish is your command. Full stop. So I guess we’ll look forward to no border control, no funding for allies, no funding to keep Putin off our backs, and no leadership from half of our elected leaders. All in the vain hope that your man will elude legal justice so he can hop back into office, pardon himself, and begin his reign of retribution. Happy Monday.

▶ Created on February 5 by Debbie

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