Resistbot Petition: TAKE A CHILL PILL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Wow. That didn’t take long. About a nano-second for the law and order party to say ‘screw that.’ I’m reminded of guineas. Have y’all ever watched a flock of guineas? They run in a group. Making god-awful noise. Distracted by whatever shiny thing gets their attention. They have very busy days, chasing back and forth. But they seem to serve absolutely no purpose. And certainly never get anything done. Good lord guys. The way y’all are moving heaven and earth to try and disprove Mr. Trump’s responsibility for anything that might result from the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago is cringe-inducing. Do you know something we the people should know? Like what it is the FBI planted? You might ask DJT what the inventory list that they provided for materials removed says. And while you’re at it, instead of burning down the FBI building, ask DJT to release what the warrant said. I think if both of those things happened you might not have to be working so hard to disprove something that has yet to be shown. Methinks the GOP doth protest too much. Seriously. Go check out a guinea video on YouTube.

▶ Created on August 11, 2022 by Debbie

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