An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well. Y’all have taken playing devil’s advocate to a new level. Like actually advocating for the actual devil. I’m speaking of the apparent giant bromance currently growing in the hearts of some of your ranks concerning Vladimir Putin. Remember him? Our historical nemesis. Doer of evil. Conquerer of countries not his own. Poisoner of those he considers a threat, of any kind. Big buddy of Donald Trump. Now we get to see our ex-president watching Putin’s apparently imminent invasion of Ukraine with giddy glee. Calling him strong. A genius. A force for good. And peace. WTF. And one of my Texas senators blaming it all on Biden. Sure thing. Then the manifestation of treachery, Tucker Carlson, who should have his American citizenship taken from him and himself put on the first one-way flight to Moscow, rage on in the most un-American language imaginable in the guise of entertainment ‘news.’ First amendment free speech is one thing. Propaganda on the public airwaves under the patronage of a giant American corporation is quite another thing. It’s vile. Remember America, love it or leave it? It’s not right to make your fortunes off of the same country that you then turn around and defile with deeds and words. All on behalf of an authoritarian strongman who would love to rule the world. Us included. What the hell has happened to the Republican Party?

▶ Created on February 22, 2022 by Debbie

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