Resistbot Petition: TURKEY TALK

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Senator Cruz. You have outdone yourself. And that’s saying a mouthful. Come and take it? With a turkey instead of a cannon? This is wrong on so many levels. Using a fabled Texas battle flag for your silly snark is bad, but not the worst. The worst is pics of National Guardsmen loading bodies onto morgue trucks in El Paso. I expect the families of those folks can’t truly appreciate your wit right now. You know. Right before Thanksgiving. A holiday that those on the morgue truck will never again enjoy. And that their family members will never enjoy in the same way again. Shallow man. You know this is such a false flag of rabble rousing. No one wants to take Thanksgiving away and you are very well aware of that. Recommending caution and care during a pandemic is not taking your freedom to eat turkey away. Perhaps if you assisted in some real fashion to help encourage folks to exercise personal responsibility to help curb spread instead of apparently urging the reverse, Texas wouldn’t have a million Covid cases. And you wouldn’t have time to tweet such nonsense. Maybe you need to plan a Thanksgiving trip to El Paso. Might not get a lot of turkey but you would sure get a big helping of reality. And maybe even a side of compassion. It astounds me that your kind of politician is the best Texas can do.

▶ Created on November 23, 2020 by Debbie

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